Friday, August 7, 2009

Cosplay plan?

Recently i had been inspired by some male cosplayers. Yea, biologically MALE CROSSPLAYERS. Why ah why, they are so godly feminine and pwetty than a real girl. *___* I'm jealous, i'm envy, i'm totally amused.

Therefore, although it is very rare, and to the point it is very shocking to even myself, i think i MIGHT try out some FEMALE cosplays next time. XD

But i wont guarantee it will looks nice thou, or even moe or cute. >__<

I donno when i'll did it, or even actually execute what i had said, but there's no harm to stay tune over this? You guys do remind me to do this FEMALE cosplay if i tend to forget and continue doing male cosplays. X'D

Btw, what FEMALE cosplays do you think i can do?? I had done Yuuki from VK(replacing friend), Apache from Bleach(also replacing friend) and Cho Chang from HP. All of them are NOT nice to me actually, i really failed to become a girl LOL. hahahahaha~ T__T

Do suggest! Any of them you think fits me. Since i'm quite short n small size, i think can fit a few kua~ DO NOT gimme those with big boobies one ok~ no super moe i think moe is quite a good new challenge for me? XD Ganas/Aggressive girl is more suitable for my personality though.

I MIGHT go for the one you suggest oh. Cause seriously right now my mind is blank LOL. Assignment tension. oTL

Journal/blog/cover up that I still OWE:
Cosfest VIII trip and event coverup
-YES i still friggin OWE everyone this entry! and that GACC in Melaka, Malaysia is next week >__<>

Comic Fiesta entry back at December 2008?!
-orz i totally failed, to the point this old entry is still not written. ;A; Since everytime i have holidays i'm back hometown and no internet+PC at home so i cannot utilise the free time to write. >_<

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