Monday, April 19, 2010


Oh haii everybadii.. sorry for not updating blog orz.
Many many things happened.
No worries, my ankle is fully recovered n has already been back to Karate class n badminton.

Attended Video Game Live Malaysia 2 days ago sitting 5th row, middle seat, most expensive zone. XD
the orchestra concert is super f-ing awesome sauce! recorded whole show in video. Borrowed a camera from fren n use it for recording(that's 10.1 Mpix!), my cam (7.1 Mpix) use for taking a bit photo n 2 vids. each hand doing diff stuff haha. My stupid bro sitting beside me dont want help me take vid, SUAN LER~

Total spent RM400 for VGL lol.. *broke*
RM253 for ticket alone, RM60 for their official VGL shirt, RM40 sharing half the CD with my bro(ori RM80), RM15 for their super cool VGL lanyard. including transport to go KLCC, round up RM400 liao. But it is worth it, since i rarely spent money haha. n the CD is signed by Tommy Tallarico, Jack Wall, Norihiko Hibino and Laura. JEALOUS la~~ >: D
but i forgot to buy an extra lanyard for my fren who dint afford to attend vgl orz. n i not willing to give out mine.. T_T

I actually did game character cosplay! debut at VGL. like first ever... It is Final Fantasy XIII FTW! Sorry i'm kinda HOPEless cause i only has 2 weeks to prepare. only decided to do Hope early this month. Then go buy cloth n all the material. This costume is fully handmade(with a bit of help from my fren's mom), n also shoe, scarf, glove, n boomerang. Wig is the only HOPEless part for this cosplay. cause last minute decide on this chara n i wont have time to order one so i go around n bought a 2nd hand wig within that 2 weeks. but its a total spike wig, so its damn hard to style. i took 2 days to press them n only 50% got pressed down but still look puffy. I ish sad i cant help with it n I felt sorry for my frens who helped rushing the costume n weaopon for me.

But i totally love the scarf, jacket n shoe cause it is super nice. handmade stuff sure is epic. 8D My overall costume is at 95% accuracy. the orange scarf i'll search for that perfect material, n silver zip, cause this 2 things dont have in Malaysia orz. My boomerang is nice too. Within it actually has 13 layers of various material, just fit FF 13 wahahahaha. Its merely coincident thou~ Wig i gonna get a new one orz, this current wig i'll debut another chara haha. just nice i memang want to do him. n this failed wig for Hope is actually PERFECT for this chara lol.. YES its another SHOUTA too! xDDD

Exam in less than 10 hrs time n i'm only study less than half of it lol..cause was having very bad days b4 this. few weeks of not able to sleep nicely, weather super hot, the rushing my cosplay stuff for VGL. Hopefully i can get over this. As this is gonna be my last time sitting exam, next sem will be my final semester n my final 3 subjects are all 100% coursework.

Is missing my dear fiancé n potter.. have already been a month dint go sunway liao.. although i did met them at events.. after this i busy exam till 30th this month, go home holiday(and collect my uncollect angpaos). its gonna be like 5 weeks i cant see them n be with them.. T_T i wanna sing k n watch movie~

Found this very nice story, share it with u all. =D

刚恋爱时,他和她都很狂热,一日不见如隔三秋。有一天晚上她失眠,忽然非常想念他。已经是午夜了,她猜想这会儿他一定睡得正香,却还是忍不住拨了他的手机。没想到,电话通了,那端正是他清醒的声音:“宝宝你怎么了?是不是又失眠了?”她惊异地问:“你晚上怎么不关机啊?”他笑着说: “我怕关了机,你想我的时候找不着我啊!”
  后来,两人分手了,她很快有了新的男友。新男友帅气洒脱,对她呵护备至,她很满足,常常幸福地笑倒在他的怀里。只有一点缺憾,她常常找不到他,他的手机通常都处于关机状态。她埋怨他:“你怎么总是关机啊!”他振振有辞: “关了机可以不被约束,如今关机也是时尚,谁还傻瓜一样 24小时开着手机啊。”他和她约会时,也总是先把手机关了,说是怕别人打扰他们的幸福。直到有一天,她意外地发现,他背着她还和另外一个女孩儿来往着。
  她没有说话,泪却流了出来。她听到他在那端着急地问: “宝宝你别哭啊,到底怎么了?是不是做噩梦害怕了?不怕不怕,有我在呢!”

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