Thursday, May 13, 2010

what a day

I'm sorry for being such USELESS kid.
Sorry for not being a CLEVER person.
Sorry for forgetting to lock the door.
Sorry for unable to DRIVE the car, despite having license for 3 fucking yrs.
Sorry for wasting your 21 years for raising me.
Sorry for wasting all your MONEY feeding me.

FINE, I not going to anywhere this weekend.
I'll just wear my costume and sleep throughout this saturday and sunday then.
Sorry to my friends that came all the way from the South just to attend this event.
Sorry to my hometown friends that awaits to meet up with me.

Sorry for all, I'm just very useless anyway.

PS: I have car accident so I have phobia driving, sorry I damn scared to drive now.

1 comment:

  1. is everything ok ? What happened ?
    Take care ok, see you soon...
