Thursday, February 4, 2010


I realise once I start writing back, the usual readers are coming to read so I better continue to write more hehe... ^^;

So, last weekend I finally went to pierce 2 more earrings on both side of my ears. This is actually my second time pierce. The first time I had was when I'm about grade 1 or 2. But because I dont wear any earrings usually, most of my friend dint know I already had piercings. *fails*

I had always wanted to pierce more since early last year, but I keep missing the chance whenever I'm back home holiday. And when I'm finally got chance, the stall my mom insist they had the service actually dont have it. >_> So I missed it again.

When I'm back Uni, I go annoy Sam since I heard they want to pierce for CNY too. The week before last weekend, Sam and I pass by the shop but I wasnt ready so I cowardly give a pass. Then last week, I finally get it done! Mainly because Sam went to pierce first, then I'm ready to do it after her... Seriously had to thank her for taking the first step, otherwise I would have gone home regretting it again. Dx

Hmm, it does felt a little sting on the first night, but the next day I could barely feel I had just pierced the day before. Actually 1 of the reason why I'm so afraid is the aftermath. When I was young, I had infection after I pierce, and my mom need to buy real gold earrings to stop that. Right now, it seems ok so far, no itchiness or pain. *touch wood*

Wait for the wound to recover then I cant wait to change earrings. XD Hopefully before next cosplay event (GACC) at March it's completely cure, otherwise I have to cosplay with earrings. Dx WHY THE CHARACTERS I COSPLAY DONT WEAR EARRINGS!! T___T


  1. i need to get new piercing on my old holes for my both ears...>3<...ouch...cuz the holes is closed...arghh....

  2. ray> haha, all the best to you! I will go pierce again next year b4 new year. XD
